Caring For Your New Puppy
The Importance of Caring for Your New Puppy Getting a new puppy is exciting and fun, but it also means that you are embarking on a big responsibility since puppies need a lot of care and attention. One of the first things you will want to do as a new pet owner is to find…
Caring For Your New Kitten
Caring for Your New Kitten in Scarsdale Kitten care is essential for the healthy growth and vitality of your new pet. At Central Animal Hospital in Scarsdale, we provide kitten care on a scheduled basis to give your cat everything they need in the first six months of life. Talk with our team about your…
Pet Dental Care
Keeping It Clean: How Our Veterinarians Can Help with Pet Dental Care It is easy to forget about pet dental care until you get a whiff of bad breath or your pet suddenly seems hesitant to eat. Our veterinarians can help prevent things from getting to that point with routine dental care. Our skilled staff…
Importance of Trimming Your Pet’s Nails
Never Neglect to Trim Your Pet’s Nails It is important to provide a pet nail trim on a regular basis for your pets. Dogs and cats are different in the use of their nails, but both are much more comfortable when a regular grooming of the nails is done. Out team at Central Animal Hospital…
Signs Your Puppy May Have Parvo
Signs Your Puppy May Have Parvo Canine parvovirus, often referred to as parvo, is a serious and contagious disease that dogs can catch from other dogs or from coming into contact with a contaminated object. Dogs of any age can get it, but puppies are more at risk because they don’t have fully developed immune…
How to Know if Your Pet Has Been Poisoned
How to Know if Your Pet Has Been Poisoned The symptoms of poisoning in your pet depends on the substance your pet has been exposed to. If you notice any of the following symptoms, it’s important to bring your pet to an emergency animal hospital. Symptoms of Poisoning in Pets Some symptoms of poisoning include…
Dog Skin Problems
Dog Skin Problems You love your dog and you want the best for it. It hurts you to see them constantly scratching and licking trying to stop the itching that is driving him crazy. Chances are, it is a skin problem that is to blame. A visit to Central Animal Hospital in Scarsdale can help…
Importance of Vaccines
The Importance of Pet Vaccinations Vaccinations protect your pet against disease. Some diseases, such as rabies and parvovirus, have no cure and are usually fatal. Others may not be fatal but are difficult to treat. That’s why Central Animal Hospital in Scarsdale, NY, recommends having your pet vaccinated as part of his or her routine…
ASPCA’s Adopt a Shelter Dog Month in October
ASPCA’s Adopt a Shelter Dog Month in October October is the ASPCA’s Adopt a Shelter Dog Month. This event is hosted every year, and it is designed to put the focus on all the dogs currently in shelters who are in desperate need of a good home. If you are considering adopting a dog, there…
National immunization Awareness Month in August
National Immunization Awareness Month in August National Immunization Awareness Month is a yearly observance designed to highlight the relevance and importance of immunization. Every August, NIAM highlights the importance of vaccination for people and pets. At Central Animal Hospital in Scarsdale, NY, our veterinarians provide pet immunization programs that are customized to meet your pet’s…