How to Know if Your Pet Has Been Poisoned


How to Know if Your Pet Has Been Poisoned

The symptoms of poisoning in your pet depends on the substance your pet has been exposed to. If you notice any of the following symptoms, it’s important to bring your pet to an emergency animal hospital.

Symptoms of Poisoning in Pets

Some symptoms of poisoning include loss of appetite, bloody stools, diarrhea, seizures, vomiting, irregular heartbeat, bruising, nosebleeds, and lethargy.

Types of Poisoning and Different Symptoms in Pets

Since symptoms can vary depending on what type of poison your pet has been exposed to, it helps to know which different symptoms can be present.

Gastrointestinal Poisoning: Gastrointestinal symptoms include vomiting and loss of appetite. These symptoms come from your pet ingesting poison, such as lead paint, toxic plants, or garbage. Diarrhea can be caused by medications, eating garbage, some snakebites, many toxic plants, and chocolate.

Neurological Poisoning Symptoms: Neurological symptoms include seizures that can be caused by many different poisons, such as aspirin, alcohol, flea repellents, gasoline, dishwasher detergent, furniture polish, drain cleaners, marijuana, and tobacco. Some snakes, spiders, and toads can also cause seizures in pets, including the brown recluse spider and coral snakes. Ingesting some plants, including horse chestnuts, can also cause these symptoms as well.

Anemia and Bleeding from Poisoning: Nosebleeds, bloody stool, anemia, and bruising are caused by mouse or rat poisons. Excessive amounts of garlic and onions can also cause these symptoms and lead to possible death.

Heart Symptoms from Poisoning: Cardiac symptoms and irregular heart rhythms can be caused by different plants, including milkweed and oleander, as well as many different types of medications.

Kidney Symptoms: Kidney failure is caused by antifreeze poisoning, as well as some plants, including Easter lily.

Liver Symptoms: Liver damage is caused by medications, such as Tylenol, and different plants, including rattlebox.

How Quickly Does Your Pet Become Ill?

How quickly you start to notice symptoms of poisoning in your pet will depend on how much exposure your pet has had and the poison that was encountered. Many mouse and rat poisons can cause delayed symptoms.

Visiting an Emergency Animal Hospital

It’s important to get your pet to an emergency animal hospital as soon as you notice some of these symptoms for treatment. Contact us at Central Animal Hospital in Scarsdale if you suspect your pet has been poisoned.