
Rabbit Care From Central Animal Hospital in Scarsdale

If you recently acquired a rabbit, you undoubtedly want to learn more about how to care for it properly so it lives a long and healthy life. Not all veterinary practices will service rabbits. Bringing your rabbit to Central Animal Hospital is an option if you live in Eastchester, Westchester, Scarsdale, Ardsley or the surrounding areas. Here is some information on how to care for your new pet and how our Scarsdale veterinarian can help.

Provide A Safe Environment

Rabbits need a spot where they can rest and play without getting injured or feeling uncomfortable. Many people provide a whole room for their rabbit so they are able to exercise without restraint. This is an option, however, most rabbits prefer to be in a location in the home where they are able to see the rest of the family from their living space. A rabbit hutch, puppy cage, or similar containment system works well. It is important to allow your rabbit to come out for some exercise for several hours a day. The container should also have plenty of room for your rabbit to hop around without difficulty. Make sure to rabbit-proof any area that your pet is going to be using so they do not become hurt as they explore. Get down on all fours so notice potential hazards that require removal.

Gather The Right Materials

Your rabbit needs the proper foods for nutrition. Rabbits primarily eat hay. Timothy, grass, or oat hay is the preferred types for adult rabbits. Baby rabbits fare better on alfalfa. Supplement your rabbit’s diet with rabbit pellets, vegetables, and water. Our veterinarian will provide you with dietary recommendations during your rabbit’s first well-visit. Your pet will also need a litter pan for elimination. Do not use cat litter, but rather fill the bottom of the pan with shredded newspaper as this is safe for rabbits. Be sure to clean out your rabbit’s litter pan daily.

Contact Our Scarsdale Veterinarian

Our Scarsdale veterinarian treats dogs and cats. Your rabbit should be evaluated during a well-visit to determine that it is healthy and does not require medical treatment of any kind. If during this visit a problem is found, our veterinary team will provide you with treatment options. A visit to our facility will give you the peace of mind that your rabbit. We service the Eastchester, Westchester, Scarsdale, and Ardsley areas. Call (914) 723-1250 to schedule an appointment for a routine visit or to obtain medical help for your pet.