Understanding The Vaccinations Your Puppy Needs

Understanding The Vaccinations Your Puppy Needs In Scarsdale, NY
Before you start taking your puppy out to meet the world, it is important to complete the full set of vaccinations. The vaccination schedule for puppies extends from six to sixteen weeks of age. You should not take your puppy to the dog park, pet stores, training classes or any other location with multiple dogs until you have this series of pet vaccinations in Scarsdale completed. Here are the vaccines normally included in the series.
The combo vaccinations will help your puppy develop an immunity to distemper, parvo, parainfluenza, corona virus and *adenovirus*. These conditions are typically acquired from contact with other dogs or contaminated environments.
The leptospirosis vaccination protects your pup from bacteria found in the urine of wildlife. Your puppy could pick up these bacteria from direct contact with wildlife or even drinking from puddles.
The rabies vaccine is one of the Westchester County mandatory pet vaccinations for dogs, cats, and ferrets. This vaccine protects your pet from the rabies virus, which is a life threatening condition, communicable to people, and spread by wildlife, such as bats, raccoons, skunk, foxes, and coyotes – all of which are commonly found in our area.
If your puppy will be around a large number of other dogs, such as at training classes, dog parks, or boarding facilities, your pet should be protected from “kennel cough” by having the Bordetella vaccination administered by our veterinarians.
Lyme Disease
Having your pet protected against Lyme disease is a wise choice for your puppy. Due to the abundance of deer ticks in this area, we recommend this vaccine as well as using a paraciticide, such as Frontline, Advantix, or Nexgard that protects against fleas and ticks. Scheduling Your Puppy’s Veterinarian Visits At Central Animal Hospital in Scarsdale.
Upon bringing your puppy home from the breeder or adoption center, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian at the Central Animal Hospital by calling 914-723-1250. Your pup will need to return to Central Animal Hospital once every three to four weeks after this initial visit to receive booster pet vaccinations until he or she is 16 weeks old. Congratulations on your new furry family member!
Scheduling Your Puppy’s Veterinarian Visits At Our Scarsdale Animal Hospital
Upon bringing your puppy home from the breeder or adoption center, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian at the Central Animal Hospital by calling 914-723-1250. Your pup will need to return to your Scarsdale animal hospital once every three to four weeks after this initial visit to receive booster pet vaccinations. Our vet in Scarsdale will give you a list of ideal visit dates to follow when setting up your appointments.