Pet Heatstroke in Scarsdale


Pet Heatstroke Prevention From Our Veterinarian in Scarsdale

At Central Animal Hospital, emergency care is just one of the many services that our skilled and compassionate veterinarian in Scarsdale is able to provide. One of the more common emergencies we see in our office, particularly during the warmer months of summer, is that of pet heatstroke. This life-threatening condition can occur when pets are exposed to hot temperatures for too long without proper shelter and/or water.

Pet Heatstroke

Recognizing Symptoms of Heatstroke in Pets

If not treated quickly, heatstroke in pets can be fatal. This is why it’s so important for pet owners to be able to recognize the common signs and symptoms. These can vary from one pet to the next, but common red flags include:

  • excessive panting and/or drooling
  • reddened or inflamed gums
  • rapid heart rate
  • dehydration or lack of urination

If your pet has been outside in the heat and is showing any of these symptoms, it’s best to see a veterinarian as soon as possible for an evaluation and treatment, if necessary.

Tips for Protecting Your Pet

The good news is that heatstroke in pets is always preventable. The key is to make sure that your pet has adequate shelter from the sun while outdoors on warmer days, and that you allow your pet to come inside for regular breaks from the heat. Outdoor shelters should be completely covered so as to protect your pet from the sun’s rays. Your pet should also have access to plenty of fresh water at all times while outdoors. Never leave your pet outside on hot or humid days for more than a few minutes at a time; always supervise your pet while outdoors for longer periods of time and be on the lookout for signs of heat exhaustion.

Questions? Contact Our Veterinarian in Scarsdale!

Pet heatstroke can be scary, but our AAHA-accredited veterinarian in Scarsdale is here to help answer any questions you may have. Contact Central Animal Hospital today at (914) 723-1250 to find out more about how we treat and help pets suffering from heatstroke.

How do you protect your pet from the heat?