How To Keep Your Pet Safe During The Holidays

Keeping Your Pet Safe During the Holidays with Your Scarsdale Veterinarian
It’s that time of year to start baking pies, wrapping presents, lighting candles, and trimming the trees! At Central Animal Hospital, our Scarsdale veterinarian team wants everyone in your home to enjoy a pleasant and safe holiday season. So, take note of the following seasonal safety tips if you have a cat or dog:
Keep seasonal foods and decor items out of reach of your dog or cat
Things like ribbons, tinsel, ornaments, string lights, candy, small toys, chicken and turkey bones, and rich, salty, and spiced foods like gravy and stuffing should be kept away from your curious dog or cat. All of these can pose as serious choking hazards, may be toxic, or can obstruct or damage your animal’s digestive system.
You should also supervise your pet when he or she is around any sort of holiday plant, many of which (like Poinsettias, holly, and mistletoe) are toxic to animals; likewise, Christmas trees may tip over and cause injury to your animal if she tries to play around, under, or behind it.
If you think your pet has ingested something it shouldn’t have, call your vet
Do you think your pet may have ingested something she shouldn’t have? Here are a few important things to know:
- Just because your cat or dog has “passed” something before with no apparent issue doesn’t necessarily mean she’ll safely pass it again!
- Always call your vet with concerns. Our Scarsdale veterinarian team will be able to walk you through what to do.
- If your pet is demonstrating any unusual signs, such as vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, straining to defecate, unwillingness to eat, or reflexive guarding when touched near the abdomen, she could be suffering from a foreign body obstruction. This is a pet emergency, so call your vet immediately or bring her right in to see us.
Are you worried that your pet has eaten a potentially harmful holiday food or decoration?
If so, call the AAHA accredited Central Animal Hospital today at 914-723-1250 for help.